How To Overcome Procrastination


Do you ever put off important tasks and attend to urgent or more interesting tasks instead? If you struggle with procrastination, it’s a sign there are self-limiting beliefs and emotions in your nervous system that get triggered when challenging tasks surface.

In Albert E.N Gray’s 1940 masterpiece, The Common Denominator of Success, he said the secret behind every person who has ever been successful lies in the fact that “they formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do”.

There will always be things we don’t enjoy doing, but if these tasks bring you closer toward your goal, learning how to overcome procrastination and becoming a master action taker will put you ahead of the game.

Watch the video above to learn how to interrupt the pattern and beat procrastination permanently.

 There are several reasons why we procrastinate:

  • Sometimes we know the task ahead is going to be difficult and may require intense focus, we so try...
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What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed


Do you ever feel overwhelmed because you have too many things to do?

Feeling overwhelmed is physically and mentally draining because we trigger a mind-body reaction called the Stress Response. This can cause a number of different reactions – we can fight the situation, avoid the problem or feel completely paralysed.

There’s a little trick I learned from one of my mentors that neutralises the body’s stress response and it will calm you down within minutes when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Watch the video at the top of the page to find out what this trick is…

The tool I demonstrate in the video is called Tapping (or the Emotional Freedom Technique). It’s an excellent tool for reducing stress, especially when you’re overwhelmed.

What is Tapping?

Tapping is an acupressure-based mind-body tool that’s clinically proven to shut down and neutralise the stress response (also known as the fight or flight response).

You can witness...

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